Thursday, March 11, 2010

Qawwal and Karachi halwa

My street food encounters have been few and far between lately. Not that I haven't been eating, au contraire, it's just been at home or in a restaurant. Been so busy working on the apartment or stuck in traffic and now with the expat group I've joined I just haven't had time to wander.

Rajiv and I did make it out to Nizamuddin this past Sunday evening for a Qawwal concert but to be honest, after seeing the meat hanging in the butcher shops I rather lost my appetite and there's no way he could try that stuff with his delicate stomach. The grilled meat sure smelled good though. I'm going there again tomorrow so maybe I'll grab a kebab for lunch!

I have been curious about Karachi Halwa for a while (mainly because of the name) so I stopped at a sweets shop after my yoga class this morning to pick some up. It was OK, nothing special. Tasted rather neutral with the chewy texture of the inside of a gumdrop. I've seen some recipes that include more almonds or cashews which would be an improvement on the one I tasted today.

So, what's the connection between Qawwals and halwa? None really...


  1. Beautiful post...found your blog through the expat....

  2. Would love to hear about your yoga experience.

  3. If you come to the South, try out halwas in two places:
    1. Calicut in Kerala: countless varieties differing in colours and tastes
    2. Thirunelveli in Tamil Nadu: just one famous type at a place named Iruttu Kadai
